Friday, June 15, 2012

Homeschoolers and Bad Spelling?

The next question I wish to address is from Pete, a loyal and dedicated reader of this amazing blog.  He commented on my previous blog post: "i hav a sugestun 4 th nexst qestion do homescoolrs hav bad speling."

I'm glad he brought this question up, because I think there is a general misconception about homeschoolers and spelling.  Outsiders think that homeschoolers are in fact human and can be prone to spelling and punctuation errors.  This is just false.  If you have ever received a text message from a homeschooler, you know what I mean.  Homeschoolers type out EVERYTHING using correct spelling and punctuation.  However, they only use a few abbreviations just to make it seem like they are normal (lol and brb).  The main reason homeschoolers type always with correct punctuation is because they simply cannot bring themselves to deliberately making grammatical errors.

By the way (abbreviated btw), in case you haven't noticed, the question I have addressed is full of grammatical errors.  So I will correct it here to make everyone happy.  It should read, "I have a suggestion for the next question.  Do homeschoolers have bad spelling?"  There, I finally corrected it!  Don't you feel better already seeing the correct spelling and punctuation?

I suppose one never loses their obsession with grammar after being home-schooled...

1 comment:

  1. I am still trying to figure out how to follow this blog. Can you tell a non-technology savvy guy like me figure out how to follow this blog?
